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고신대 복음병원 췌장담도내과 교수 미국University of California,San Francisco(UCSF)소화기병 센터 Research Fellow-ship 인제대 부산백병원 소화기내과 교수 울산대병원 소화기내과 교수 서울 아산병원 소화기내과 전임의
2010. 02. Clevudine demonstrates potent antiviral activity in naive chronic hepatitis B patients. Intervirology.2010;53(2):83-6. Lee JS (23) 2008.09. Effects of pegylated interferon and ribavirin in Korean patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection Korean.J. Hepatol. 2008.Sep;14(3):318-30. Kang MJ(10) 2008.03. Aberrant expression of SOX2 upregulates MUC5AC gastric foveolar mucin in mucinous cancers of the colorectum and related lesions. Int. J Cancer. 2008.Mar 15;122(6) :1253-60. Park ET제1저자(6) 2008.03 Biliary-duodenal fistula following radiofrequency ablation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma Korean. J. Gastroenterol. 2008. Mar;51(3):199-203. Park SG (8) 2008.03 Tumor histology helps to identify Lynch syndrome among colorectal cancer patients. Fam. Cancer. 2008;Mar;7(3):267-74. Truta B(12) 2007.09 Short-term therapy with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin for the chronic hepatitis C genotype 2 patients Korean.J. Hepatol. 2007 Sep;13(3):341-8. Jung EU(10) 2007.02 Human monoclonal antibody inhibiting reverse transcriptase activity of hepatitis B virus polymerase protein Korean.J. Gastroenterol. 2007 Feb;49(2):85-92. Park SJ(11) 2006.09 박은택 교육/학력 HATH1 expression in mucinous cancers of the colorectum and related lesions. Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Sep 15;12(18):5403-10. Park ET 제1저자(9) 2006.05 A case of secondary amyloidosis presenting as massive gastrointestinal bleeding Korean J Gastroenterol. 2006 May;47(5):397-401. Kim H (10)
췌장·담도계질환 -췌장계:급·만성췌장염, 췌장암, 췌장낭종 -담도계:담석증, 담낭염, 담관염, 담관암